Feeling Scattered and Unsure When It Comes To Your Church's Legal?
Exclusively For Leaders of Churches & Ministries
Let us show you what you're missing.
Our 43+ years of experience working or consulting for some of the biggest megachurches on the planet. You’ll be able to access all the collective knowledge, trial and error, and insights they paid us to discover, for a fraction of what they paid.

Legal Protection Is The Secret To Your Church's Success AND Safety
"I wouldn’t want to take on any project of significance without her wisdom, insight, advice, and experience."
Relentless Church
Pastor John Gray

"Regan is an expert in her field and there is no one you would want more to have you start your organization and/or continue to help it grow."
Lakewood Church
Associate Pastor Craig Johnson

Do You Know The Answers To These Questions?


With over 20 years of experience serving America’s largest church, Regan has mastered the intricacies of ensuring proper legal setup across all aspects of church operations. Whether your ministry is just starting, has been established for a year, or has decades of history, Regan has broken down her extensive knowledge into self-paced programs. These programs are designed to help churches implement effective, robust legal protections with the most financial efficiency.
We cannot tell you how many times we have had people come to us thinking they were 'covered'. Churches that were 30 years in, lost everything. Pastors that have been kicked out of their church with nothing to fall back on because they weren't established correctly legally... when you finish these programs, that will not happen to you.
Building your house on a solid foundation doesn't disclude the legal foundation!
With all the legal advice and experience overseeing some of America's largest churches, we have crafted specific programs that will help you get the best legal establishments for your church in EVERY area, without hiring us hourly. These programs are self-paced, and we still do all the work we can, for you! Biblically based legal (not just advice but...) action items that will cover your church in ways you didn't know you needed to be covered.
What are you looking for when it comes to legal help for your church? Do you know what to look for? Are you just starting out? Maybe you have legal establishments you aren't sure are biblically aligned... Maybe what you have in place you are realizing isn't good enough... It might take looking at what programs we offer for you to realize what pain points you have too, and that's okay!
HR Help? Taxes? Retirement? How To Start A Church? Love Offerings? Grants? Child Safety? Volunteer Legal Help? We have a program for it all!
The average HR leader or pastor in most churches often struggles with knowing the best practices for hiring, firing, and team engagement.
You can’t find and hire the right people.
You have disconnected teams who aren’t on the same page.
You think if you stop funding your Social Security you'll have zero wealth in retirement.
You don’t have a clear mission and vision statement.
You don't know if someone can steal your sermons.
Your church doesn’t have core values defined.
You feel unequipped to handle people's issues.
Your staff isn’t engaged and productive.
You don't know how to ensure every volunteer is safe with your children congregation.
You’ve hired toxic people you’re afraid to terminate.
Your team can’t have the tough conversations.
You don't know if your staff can fire you, or how to prevent it.
You are afraid to discipline your team.
You don’t have a proven hiring plan or strategy.
You don’t feel you have a ‘seat at the table’ and your voice is heard.